Have you heard of a term called "Mindful Travel"? Being Mindful means savoring and rejoicing the present moment. The new branch of Psychology called Positive Psychology, also known as the science of Happiness studies factors that make people happy. Savoring and living in the moment is one of the ways to be happy and content.
Imagine you go to Venice and you just love your hotel or the resort you are living in. You love the vintage feel of the lobby and you are wondering if you could read a book in the serene balcony, facing a water body. Your friends want to take the gondola ride. Would you delay the schedule of the day and enjoy a pause? Try that once and you will end up savoring the moments. Gondolas and shopping can wait.
Imagine such places near where you live. In these coronavirus times, as people travel less, we need to look at places where we can enjoy being ourselves and enjoy each moment in its' totality!
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